Thursday, March 30, 2023

All Things Are New Again.

It's amusing to think that my life began as a songwriter. I remember once asking my brother why he had never read any of my screenplays, to which he replied that his earliest memory was of me playing him a "stupid" (his words) song I had written when he was around five years old.

This means that I've been writing for more than fifty-six years now. It's quite a long time!

I often share the story of how I met my partner, and we went to the Post Office to collect royalty checks for my earlier songs. When she found out, she suggested that instead of writing short rhyming songs, I should write longer stories without the need to rhyme and cast her in them. This led me to become a screenwriter.

Although I now write short stories again, I no longer feel the need to make them rhyme. Thanks to the internet, I can easily share my stories with the world.

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