Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lessons from Chi

My father and I had a very difficult relationship. Mostly because of me I am sure. He was killed when I was 19 and the authorities have so far not been able to find the killer. The story is I was afraid of being lost as a child so I named him Chi. If I yelled Dad all the other dads would come but if I yelled Chi only he would come find me.

When I was young he had a number of jobs like most young men trying to find their way in the world. He worked as a salesman and a music teacher. He taught English as a second language and music. He studied hard and became a Insurance Salesman and helped to create a new industry called Financial Planning. In fact he was the first Dean of the College of Financial Planners. We take it for granted but I remember him traveling around the country telling people about this new field. He wrote a book and had his name removed by an unscrupulous partner. Can you believe that??? Anyway he taught me 2 things I have used all my life.

1)      Only a Lawyer can legally give you legal advice and only a Doctor can give you legally give you medical advice, but ANYONE can read their books.
2)      If you have something to do you have never done before find the laziest person to do it because they will find the easiest way.

I think he would say outwork Everyone but think lazy and read everything.

Do you know I read a chapter a day? My own personal discipline and I pride myself on outworking everyone. I know I am considered a Know-it-All, but in my defense think if you had read 30 – 35 books a year for 40 years in any field that you were facing or that caught your fancy? Now with the internet what I am able to research and retain is incredible.

I guess my dad left a mark on me I am very proud of. I wish he could see what I have become. I never told him but I am proud of what he became. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Awesome Wasem

So this will be really short. I was at church a couple months ago and my Pastor, Pete Wilson, mentioned that when we go to to heaven we will be given new names. I wondered what mine would be. God spoke to me and asked if I remembered what my name was before I was a Christian?
I thought 'well, I was called Art the Fart'
What do they call you now that you are a Christian?
'they call me Awesome Wasem'
I felt a smile,
Wait, my name is Awesome?
Wow, Thats Awesome.
We both smiled,,,
Doesn't end there. The next Tuesday I was at work and ran into a colleague and he called me Awesome Wasem as he passed. I mentioned that it was cool he remembered my last name.
He said it wasn't hard since when I had given him my phone number he noticed that the phonetic spelling was aw-sem. He said he remembered it because my first initial and last name pronounced the word awesome.
56 years on the planet and I never realized that my name spelled aw-sem and always has.

When my kids were growing up we had a ritual. When you pulled my finger you got a hug. Around 8 they were invited to their first sleep over and when they came home in the morning the first thing they would say was, "You know that pull the finger thing? It not the same in every house."
My ex looking less than amused would say "You really waited 8 years for that joke?"
I realized God had planned my name since the beginning.
I know He is planning something awesome in your life also. Have you found it? I would love to know what it is.