Whenever I tell people about my acting career they always ask why I never became famous. Well, I did once. I ask them to Google "Art" "Jerry" "Springer." My episode comes up and they watch it. Many times people have said they have seen it before and then they look at me. Wait, you're that guy?
The best thing about it was that it has given me a Halloween costume for about 15 years.
So here is the story. It was 2009 and I decided that I needed glasses. So I went to the optometrist and picked out a pair. I was touring with a country band and as soon as I got on the bus that weekend the band started with Jerry, Jerry.
I asked what they were doing. One of the musicians in a deep Georga drawl, said "You are the spitting image of Jerry Springer."
"No way I replied." Anyone can tell I am Robert Redford, Robert Wargner, or maybe Brad Pitt. Jerry Springer? No way.
I remember once about 2:00AM we pulled into a truck stop to refuel. I walked into the restaurant area where the band was getting food and they started the chant. "Jerry, Jerry" The woman behind the counter looked over her shoulder and then proceeded to throw the cup of soda she was filling all over the restaurant and literally flipped her sh$%.
She came running around the counter and had to take a selfie and have me talk to her baby daddy since I was the most famous person she had ever met.
I tried to tell her, but she wasn't buying it.
This went on for a few weeks I guess. Since I live in Nashville on nights I was not on the road I would go out to support the friends I had in the music industry. One night a friend of mine asked me if I could come to her show. It was on Halloween and everyone was dressing up.
Now, I have to tell you I am not a big Halloween fan. Candy is okay but the whole evil scary thing I can live without.
What to go as??? Hmmm.
You might have guessed it. I put on a suit, the glasses, grabbed a wireless mic, and went to her show as Jerry Springer.
It was insanity. Everyone wanted a selfie. So much fun. After the show, someone suggested we continue to Lower Broad in Nashville.
We walked into a bar called The Stage and the singer of the band stopped the band during a song and announced that "Jerry Springer has just walked in."
Like he would be in Nashville, on Halloween night, in a suit, with a wireless mic. Doing what?
It was the first time I heard the Hollywood hush. I entire bar went silent.
I looked around and said "there is a Penguin, a prostitute, and a Pirate you really think I'm Jerry Springer?"
Well, yes, in fact, they did.
Selfies, drinks, one guy wanted to fight me because his sister came out on my show. Dozens of girls flashed me and asked if I had any Jerry beads. I didn't. Plenty of free drinks.
Another weekend and another city.
I was on a Wednesday that I thought I wonder if Jerry was even still on. He was. Watching the show I thought 'this is horrible.' Then they asked if anyone had an idea to be on Jerry Springer to call 800.86 Jerry. So I did and left a message.
Two weeks later I was with a friend on the day that the County Music Hall of Fame had their free day. We had been in line for about 45 minutes when my phone went off. It was a Producer for the Springer show. She asked when my idea was and I asked if there was any interest in having a Spriner look-a-like on the show.
She didn't sound very interested but wanted to see a picture. I gave her my MySpace (remember this was 2009) and told her there were a few pictures from Halloween on it. She said she would take a look and call if there was any interest.
We then got on the elevator to go to the Museum. Maybe 45 seconds later we stopped on the second floor and when we got out of the elevator my phone rang.
It was the Producer again. She was much more excited and asked if I could fly up to Chicago the following day.
I was going to do a run in California the next day but told her I was flying back on Tuesday and I could fly back to Chicago instead of Nashville. She asked if I knew of anyone who could be my girlfriend and since I know a few actresses I said sure, and I would contact them back with the details.
I called a really good friend that I used to manage in LA and asked her but she immediately said she didn't think it would be good for her career so I called another girl in Nashville that I was also managing and she was an enthusiastic "JERR SPRINGER, HELL YA."
So Steph flew up on Tuesday from Nashville I flew in from LA and we both had drivers pick us up in a limo and take us to the Downtown Something-or-Other. We were on like the 34 floor overlooking Battery Park and the River. It was kind of awesome. It snowed that night so the next morning the views were pretty magical.
I have to tell you, again, I don't see the resemblance between us but what really made me a believer is walking around in his offices. When I came around the corner people would stop talking and hanging round and get to work. His staff thought I was him and they see him everyday.
His producer met me, laughed, and said this is going to be a good show.
They introduced us and we went into a improve routine we had worked on the night before.
Going out the crowd went nuts. Three times they were on their feet shouting Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, each time for over 40 minutes. Twice the security guys tried to stop them but they had no effect. It was truly insane.
Now I had it on youtube for a while, but the production company was sold to a German Production Company and they filed an infringement claim. I should mention I had over 15 Million views but did not try to monetize it. The producers gave me a letter that I sent to Youtube the first time they took it down giving me rights to show it in lou of any stipend. Like I said I didn't ever monetize it and they probably made a few dozen thousand on it. After the third time of them filing the bogus claim I took it down and put it on my IMDB channel.
I believe it will stay there or at least on my site forever.
Now back to the reason for the story.
Every year for the past 15 years I have had a Halloween coustume.
Last year at Halloween I was a strike captain on the Sony lot in LA. So for Halloween, on came the suit and glasses. Jerry had passed earlier that year and the looks I was getting walking to the lot were pretty funny. As a walked up to the tent the SAG personal were kind of freaked out. They they recognized me "Art OH MY GOD! We saw you walking up and thought is that Jerry Springer?" "Isn't he dead?"
About that time a car with two twenty something black women screeched to a stop on the road beside us. Then smack, bang crunch, as a LA Patrol car slammed into their back end. Then another patrol car hit the first car. The girls got out yelling can we get our pictures with you Mr. Springer.
I said sure I'll take a picture with LA newest Milloniares. They looked each other and said we ain't rich.
I said you just got rearended my two LA police cars.
They looked at each other and said "Oh yeah."
So that was the last year for Jerry. I can't think of a better way to end the story.
RIP to both Jerry's
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