My partner and I live in Nashville and work in Los Angeles. Both cities have their share of interesting people.
Once in Nashville, we went to the movies. It was to see Speilbergs version of West Side Story.
Most of the seats were empty. But we had reserved seating. A gentleman in his late thirties walked in and sat beside my partner. He had a big tub of popcorn. I thanked him for bringing food.
He stood up and screamed at her that he had PTSD and some other mental problem that stemmed from a food incident when he was a child. Then he stormed out.
5 minutes later he came back in. Then every 5 minutes he would leave and come back in 5-minute intervals.
Ruined the movie for us.
We couldn't believe it. We just sat there and watched it happen.
Now in LA, we have a saying. We are now and in the future going to do it in Nashville also, When crazy shows up we leave.
No questions, no explanations, no heroism. Just exit as quickly as we can. Get the heck out.
I cannot tell you how many times I have left an event because crazy has shown up.
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