My partner was telling me a story about the difficulties she was having talking to members of the Gen Z generation. She asked why I thought they were the way they are.
I said look at moms now days. They push strollers, and carts. Go to parks and swing the kids on swings. All the things that were done for us. But now, all the time, moms are looking at a devise in their hands.
They are not communicating with their kids. Missing the laughter and joy of their children. They are not paying any attention to their kids so their kids have no frame of reference to communicate with others. They have to scream and yell to get any attention at all. I don't know if it is sad. I guess only time will tell?
Rememer we all learn primarily with mirror neurons in our brains. Kids may not always listen to you but they are always watching. You are their cues on how to deal with the world.
I do know that people today. all people today are just looking for anyone to give them recognition. Respect. Acknowledgment. Just the simple I see you and I understand your need for respect is enough to stop most disagreements.
Now in age that people a shooting their neighbors for having a ball in their yard or tuning around in their drive way I think letting people know you value them is as important to your life as it is to theirs.